Software Engineer

Software Engineer, knowledge and understanding of software development clean architecture and agile methodologies. 

Experience in the design and development of web applications, server management and management of the development team.

Work Experiences

Software Engineer

Winet S.r.l. | 2021 - Today

Software Engineer, operating mainly with Angular, Spring and Kubernetes
Projects in which I have participated:

  • Thales Italia spa - Software Engineer Consultant

    Support to the Thales development team for airport management applications.
    Technologies and tools used: Java Spring (Boot, Data JPA), Quarkus, Angular 8+, AngularJS, Git, Jenkins, Docker, Kubernetes, Jira, Confluence, knowledge and study of software architecture already present

  • Silfi - Portale TARI

    Development of the new portal for the management of TARI requests for the city of Florence.
    Technologies and tools used: Java Spring, Angular 8+, Git.

  • Time Card Management Application

    Maintenance and development of the internal application for time management.
    Technologies and tools used: Java Spring, Angular 8+, MySQL, Jenkins, Git.


Infogroup S.p.A. | 2016 - 2016

Internship organized by the school with a tutor.
The goal was to develop from scratch a native Android application to list the recent films released using Internet services.

MY Projects

Xplorer Platform

2023 - Ongoing 

Development of a platform dedicated to the enhancement of the selected territories. Management of the development team and organization of the workload into tasks. Ecosystem architecture design and implementation.
Official Website



One-man-team development of a webapp to allow users to send video clips to their favorite content creators. Developed using Angular and Quarkus, using a private VPS to host the application, using Docker and Jenkins for CI/CD.
Official Website


2021 - Open Source 

Development, using Kotlin, of a native Android application, based on OpenWeatherMap service for retrieving weather data. Users can input places and get the data formatted in a color coded way.
Source code is available on GitHub.



Development, using Java, of a native Android application to be used as a support for trading in the "Fantasy Football" game.
Available on Play Store(Removed by account inactivity)



My first released Unreal Engine 4 solo project. Another Way is an interactive game that will take you to relive the last memories of the protagonist.
Available on